my playlist

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

DAY 5 APRIL 20, 2010

Nigeria's People

Nigeria has more than 250 ethnic groups. These ethnic groups differ from each other. Either from their language and some from their culture and traditions. But the three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria would be (in order from size), the Hausa, the Yoruba, and the Igbo also spelled Ibo. These groups are three fifths of Nigeria's population

The Hausa

They primarily live in the northern part of Nigeria and also neighboring countries of Niger and Chad. Most are farmers and also some are craftworkers and traders. During the 1200s, the Fulani, people that came from Senegal and Gambia, began to settle in the Hausa territory. The Fulani took over the region in the 1800's. The two groups intermixed so much that it is now called Hausa-Fulani.

The Yoruba
They live in the southwestern part of Nigeria and some live in Benin and Togo, two nations in the west of Nigeria. Many of the Yoruba live in cities and farm the land surrounding the countryside.

The Igbo
They live in the southeastern part of Nigeria. But some also live around the country. During the Bristish rule in the 1900's, the Ibos accepted the Western way of life and education faster than others. They were a big benefit in the postions of business and government during the period of colonial rule.

What's their Language ?

Their offical lanuage is English, beilieve it or not. BUT it is not the only common language used. Each of the ethnic groups have their own type of language, but the three most used languages are based upon the three largest ethnic groups.


Okay, about half of Nigeria are Muslimsin which, they make up most of north Nigeria's popularity. 40 percent of the people are Christians living mainly in the southern and central part of Nigeria. Many Nigerians practice traditional religions based on the worship of many gods and also spirits.


Some of Nigeria's adults can read and write. They can't provide enough schools and teachers for all school-age children. Plus, laws do not require school attendance. So instead they have a lot of universities.